The Season of Easter is a glorious celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the dead on Easter morning following his crucifixion and death on Good Friday. During this season, we light the paschal candle and as many other candles as possible, as we sing Alleluia, (praise God) as many times as we can.
The Easter greeting is, "Christ is risen." The response is, "Christ is risen indeed."
Easter Season continues through the fifty days until
The major festival during this season is the Ascension
of Jesus Christ into heaven, which takes place forty days after
The resurrection of Jesus, who died that all people might live, shows the world that he triumphed over sin, death, and the power of the devil. By rising from the dead, he freed all people from their sins, so that they could have rich and full lives now on earth and through eternity with God in heaven.
On the fourth Sunday of Easter we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday, as we remember how carefully Jesus looks after us.
Christians make the Easter season their major season of celebration during the church year. They light the paschal candle - and as many candles as possible - during the worship service. Easter hymns are songs of praise to God for the miracle of Christ's resurrection, as Christians sing alleluia (a Hebrew phrase meaning praise God) in almost every hymn during Easter.
Easter season is a time for special emphasis on Holy Communion, as Christians receive the body and blood of their risen Lord, sharing the miracle of new birth through him.
Easter symbols include the peacock; the sun, in honor of Jesus, the light of the world; and flowers and butterflies, symbols of the risen Lord.
The colors of Easter are white and gold.
The Easter Cave, by Carol Wedeven, is a lovely telling of the Easter story for small children.
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