Third Sunday in Lent

My Love for Your House Burns in Me Like a Fire

John 2:17

Psalm 69: 9

Jesus loved the Temple in Jerusalem.

He made his first trip to the Temple with Mary and Joseph as an infant, when they dedicated him to God. According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus made the trip to Jerusalem and the Temple every year for the Feast of the Passover. When he was twelve, he stayed behind to study when his family returned home.

He celebrated many Feasts of the Passover there, and he rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday in triumph before he was accused before the Sanhedrin, tried, found guilty, and crucified.

When Jesus saw people treating the Temple with extreme disrespect, he became angrier than we ever see him in the Gospels.

Copy the cover on white, pale peach, or pale lavender card stock.

Make the aura from orange, red, or magenta formex film, coloring the flames with gold pens.

Make the sleeves from white paper lace doilies, and use textured paper or fabric (fine red wool would be wonderful) for Jesus' robe.




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