Twenty-first Sunday of Pentecost

God's Good News Isn't Locked in Jail

2 Timothy 2: 9

Paul wrote many of his letters while he was in jail waiting to be tried in Roman courts.


Prisoners at that time were totally dependent on their families and friends for food, clothing, and supplies. Paul's friends obviously kept him supplied with ink, pens, and paper - all scarce and expensive products in his day - so that he could continue writing.

Because God's good news couldn't be locked up, we may transform the very jail itself, with silver foil and gold pens, to show the transforming power of God's word.

Copy the cover on white or light green card stock, and use foil or holographic film and gold and silver pens to make it as elaborate as you like. Use a piece of simple, rough fabric for Paul's robe.


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Pentecost 20 Art