Sixth Sunday of Pentecost
Jesus Asks His Followers to Leave Everything
Luke 9: 57 - 62
Matthew 8: 18 - 22
This is a good day
to sing, "What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus" from Rejoice.
From Peter, through Matthew,
through all Jesus' followers, we see that becoming disciples
of Jesus means dropping everything and following right now.
What would our lives be like if we left home, school, family,
friends, responsibilities and pleasures all at once and only concentrated
on following Jesus, going only where he wants us to go and doing
only what he wants us to do?
We see the split once more
between the Jews and the Samaritans. The village in Samaria
would not welcome Jesus and the disciples because they were on
their way to worship in Jerusalem,
which was not a sacred place to the Samaritans.
1. What do the foxes and bird have that Jesus doesn't have?
[The foxes and birds have their own homes - Jesus doesn't even
have his own bed.]
2. What did Jesus' new followers want to do before they
joined him?
[Jesus' new followers wanted to say good-bye to their families.]
3. What did Jesus say was more important than following
[Jesus said nothing was more important than following
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