Sit at My Right Side until I Make Your Enemies into a Footstool for You
Psalm 110 is a royal psalm, sung at the coronations of kings. This king is a priestly king, a priest of the order of Melchizedek, the first priest-king (Genesis 14: 18 - 20).
The psalm begins with God speaking directly to the new king.
Then the psalm continues with praise from the new king's subjects, as they spell out exactly what his royal duties will be.
The New Testament writers saw Jesus as both priest and king, and they referred to this psalm repeatedly in their writings. In the midst of Jesus' laments from the cross, the Gospel writers still saw Jesus as both a royal and a spiritual leader.
This psalm is the reason many Christians sing the Advent hymn, "Prepare the Royal Highway" (Lutheran Book of Worship 26) during the season of Lent.
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