Trinity Sunday
Give Each Other a Warm Greeting
2 Corinthians 13: 12
For many of us, the passing of the peace, when we say, The Peace of the Lord, or, The Lord Be with You, is a special time during worship.
When we greet one another in the name of Jesus, we are inviting him to share our space with us.
Copy the cover on white card stock, and ask the children to trace each other's hands on brightly colored construction paper or fun foam. Add rings, bracelets, watches, or sleeves as appropriate.
And make sure that each child traces the hands of two different friends.
End the lesson by sharing the peace with handshakes and hugs, as we enjoy the benefits of being a peaceful people.
In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Juliet says, "Palm to palm is holy Palmers' kiss." An older class might like to research the Palmers, discovering how they spent their lives of faith.
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