Second Sunday of Advent
You Are A Light unto My Path
Luminarias are a wonderful gift to our congregations as they make a warm and welcoming light to our evening services during Advent and on Christmas Eve.
Traditionally they are made of plain brown paper bags, but you may use brown grocery bags or sandwich bags and decorate them as you wish.
Some people fold the tops for added stability.
You may deckle the tops of the bags with edging scissors and then make designs in the body of the bag with scissors or paper punches.
Please remember the function of the bag is to shelter the candle from the wind, so refrain from elaborate openwork designs.
Or you may color the bags with crayons or markers.
After the designs are complete, anchor a votive candle firmly in sand in the base of each bag, lining a path or walkway.
With adult supervision, light the candles in preparation for the evening service.
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