Third Sunday of Easter
I Will Lay Me Down in Peace and Sleep
Psalm 4: 8
We associate sweet smells with sweet dreams, both gifts from a loving and caring God.
Cut shapes (matching circles, squares, hearts) about four to five inches in diameter from tightly woven fabric (you may want to use two layers).
Applique a simple design on the top shape with Stitch Witchery or other iron-on bond.
Wrong sides out, stitch the top and bottom shapes together with small machine stitches, leaving an opening one to two inches long.
Turn the mat right side out.
To one cup of birdseed for each mat, add 8 drops of a pleasantly scented potpourri oil, and mix in a small bowl.
Using a funnel, pour the bird seed into the mat. The finished mat should form a fairly flat surface, so don't stuff it too tightly.
Use a glue gun to close the opening, or use a hand stitch to sew it tightly.
The warmth of a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate will release a lovely aroma, as the mat becomes a special gift for Mother's day - or any other special day.
You might also want to make the candle rings as a special gift.
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