Sixth Sunday of Easter
Those Whose Names Are Written in the Book of Life Will Be in the City
Revelation 21: 27
Illuminating, or decorating a manuscript with gold and silver and brilliant colors, is one of the oldest ways we have of glorifying God's word. Many people in the early church dedicated their entire lives to making the written word of God as beautiful on the page as they possibly could.
As children of God, today we will search for the beauty that God sees in our own names, by making nameplates for our rooms at home or in Sunday school.
Print out or letter each child's name on colored card stock.
Let them illuminate the letters with gold and silver pens or markers, adding brilliant colors as you like.
You may mount the finished name on wood or particle board for lasting sturdiness. And you may spray the finished art with fixative to improve its life span.
Patricia Carter's Illuminated Alphabets is a helpful resource. And the children may enjoy the description of the process of illumination in Marguerite Makes a Book by Bruce Robertson.
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