Fourth Sunday of Epiphany
God Redistributes Blessings
and Heartaches
Luke 6: 17 - 26
Mark 4: 23 - 25
Matthew 5: 1 - 12
After his time in the Wilderness, Jesus began to teach in the Jewish meeting places in Galilee.
But after his bad experience in Nazareth, and after the crowds who followed him became too large to fit into any Jewish public building (he would not have been allowed to teach about the One God in the Roman theaters and forums), Jesus took his ministry outdoors.
Large crowds of people followed him from place to place to listen to him and to be healed of their troubles.
He continued to add disciples to his core group, until he
had chosen twelve men.
The more famous version
of this sermon is found in Matthew 5, where it is called the Sermon
on the Mount.
1. Which people will God bless?
[God will bless the poor people, the hungry people, and the people
who are crying.]
2. What will God do when people hate you and insult you?
[God will bless you.]
3. Who has a hard life ahead of them?
[The rich, well-fed, happy people will have their turn to be poor,
hungry, and sad.]