Third Sunday of Lent
God Gives the Rules for Living a Good Life
Exodus 20: 1 - 17
The Israelites who followed Moses out of Egypt had spent many generations as slaves, living under the rules of an alien culture. (Israelite means a descendent of Jacob, also called Israel, who was the father of Joseph.)
Even though they had a long history of following other people' rules, the Israelites were strong people whom Moses called stiff-necked and quarrelsome.
Because they had no rules of their own for living in community and because they didn't seem able to work out a way for getting along comfortably together, God gave them a set of laws or rules to enable them to live together as one community.
We call these laws the Ten Commandments.
1. Who does God say he is?
[God says, "I am the Lord your God."]
2. Where did God bring his people from?
[God brought his people from Egypt.]
3. What will happen to us if we love God and obey his laws?
[God promises that he will be kind to our families for thousands of generations.]
4. Who does the Sabbath day belong to?
[It belongs to God.]
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