Seventeenth Sunday of Pentecost
The Lord Sent a Worm to Chew on the Vine
Jonah 4: 7
Jonah was not of the same mind as Job to say, "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the Name of the Lord."
Jonah was quick to find fault and to lose his temper.
So God showed Jonah his own wisdom and power by sending a worm to cut down his shade tree.
Put up the background, banner, and a vine or bush with large, shading leaves.
Let the children make lots of worms.
You can curl plastic lacing by wrapping one-yard lengths around pencils, holding them in place with spring clothespins, and dipping them into boiling water for 30 seconds and then immediately into ice water for 30 seconds. (You will want to do this at home before class.)
Glue the curled lacing to pompoms and add wiggly eyes.
For segmented worms, run the lacing through pony beads. For short, fat worms, double the length of lacing back onto itself.
Staple the worms to the bulletin board, and let the congregation enjoy it.
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