Service Projects

We Serve Our Congregations and the Lord

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Service projects give us an opportunity to show gratitude to God for all the good things he has given us.

We begin with service in church, serving as church mice, greeters, ushers, lectors, and communion assistants.

Work with the head greeter, usher, and lector in your congregation to schedule coaching and service time in worship for each confirmand.

Any baptized member of the congregation may properly assist the pastor in the distribution of Holy Communion. Ask your pastor to instruct the confirmands in preserving the good order of the church as they serve in turn as communion assistants.

Walk your neighborhood, searching out places that are in need of prayer. Begin a prayer circle that is centered on places of need, and choose a class service project that is appropriate to your community - planting a tree, cleaning up a vacant lot, babysitting (with supervision) for a Parents' Night Out. Document your project and make sure your congregation knows about it.

Whenever appropriate, include as many members of the congregation (as chaperones or team leaders) as you can. Young people and their projects bring vitality to their congregations.

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