Jesus Knows His Own Sheep and We Know Him
John 10: 1 - 10
The fourth Sunday of Easter is traditionally known as Good Shepherd Sunday, when we read Psalm 23, giving thanks for a God who takes care of us like a wise and loving shepherd.
In verse 14, Jesus says, "I am the good shepherd."
We respond to this good news by singing one of the many settings of Psalm 23.
If it is at all possible in your community, plan a field trip to see a flock of sheep.
1. Who climbs over the fence to get into the sheep pen?
[Only thieves and robbers climb over the fence.]
2. How do the sheep recognize the shepherd?
[The sheep recognize the shepherd by the sound of his voice.]
3. How do we recognize Jesus' voice?
[We hear Jesus' voice through his words in the Gospel.]
4. Why did Jesus come to earth?
[Jesus came to earth so that everyone would have life and would have life to the fullest.]
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