Third Sunday of Epiphany
All of Us Together Weigh Less than a Puff of Air
Psalm 62: 9
We are reminded once again that God cares so much for such insignificant creatures as we are, as we watch seeds being spread over the earth by puffs of air.
If you are in the right climate and season, use the natural materials: milk weed pods, box elder seeds or dandelions - any seed that is carried away by the lightest of breezes.
Copy the cover on green card stock.
To make the dandelion, use small gold beads for the seeds and a pipe cleaner or florist's stem for the stem.
Make the dandelion fluff from stretched out cotton balls or polyester batting (pillow stuffing).
The dandelions make a wonderful bulletin board with ribbons or streamers symbolizing the wind on which the seeds float away.
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