Second Sunday of Lent
The Cross and Crown of Humiliation
In the season of Lent, we follow Jesus through suffering and humiliation until his final death on the cross.
Copy the cover on purple or magenta card stock. Use burlap for the banner, sprinkling it with a small amount of purple or silver glitter to represent ashes--wearing sackcloth (or burlap) and ashes is an Old Testament sign of mourning or sorrow. Leave the cross black, or cover it with strips of balsa wood or sandpaper.
Make the crown from raffia, thorns (prunings from rose bushes), or wire.
Even though we follow Jesus through his most difficult time on earth during Lent and Holy Week, we also look forward to the glory of Christ the King Sunday, when Jesus is risen from the dead, ruling triumphantly over heaven and earth, and the cross and the crown are made of gold and silver and covered with jewels.
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