Tenth Sunday of Pentecost
My House Will Be Called A House of Prayer for All Nations
Isaiah 56: 7
What does God's house look like?
Where we worship often reflects the climate we live in.
The Israelites worshiped in a tabernacle, or tent.
The people of the Middle East and Southern Europe build synagogues and churches with domes that remind them of heaven.
The people of Northern Europe build steep roofs so the snow will slide off and build tall spires or steeples that point to heaven.
But everyone seems to worship in a place that reminds them that God is bigger than they are, and that earth is God's creation, not his home.
Using green card stock, print the verse on the cover, and build one or more images of the houses of prayer on it (You could use a drawing or photograph of your own worship space if you like).
Use the cover for your prayer book, and make this a special day to review its contents and to add a prayer.
This is also a good day to sing, "Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying, (With One Voice 775).
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