Where Do You Want Us to Prepare Your Passover Meal?
Matthew 26: 17
Jesus began our tradition of full table fellowship by sharing meals with his disciples and with all sorts of people - everyone was welcome to eat with Jesus.
The Passover meal was a ritual meal with special foods and table settings.
Let us prepare our table by making Seder plates and decorating (on the outside) disposable communion cups with confetti, markers, or sequins.
We also can find inexpensive linen or cotton napkins to decorate with fabric paint. (If you can find antique damask napkins, treasure them, borrowing a napkin-folding book at the library to find ways to display them.) And we can decorate plates, place mats, or table runners. Our table will be as lovely as we can make it, for Jesus is our special guest.
Or we might want to make the Communion bulletin board on this day and sing "Eat This Bread, Drink This Cup" (With One Voice 706).
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