Jesus Is the True Vine
John 15: 1 - 8
The pagan gods of Palestine, like the pagan gods of its Roman occupiers, were cold, aloof, and judgmental.
But the God of Israel is a loving, caring and compassionate God, sending Jesus to be everyone's Good Shepherd.
In this passage, Jesus tells us that he is closer to us than even a shepherd is to his sheep. He says that we are as closely connected to him as branches are to a grape vine (like tree branches to a tree trunk).
We are such a part of him that without him we have no life at all. Instead of being a god who is far away and often unreachable, Jesus is a part of everything we say and everything we do.
1. Who does Jesus say he is?
[Jesus says he is the true vine.]
2. Who is God the Father?
[God the Father is the gardener.]
3. What can we do without Jesus?
[Without Jesus we can do nothing; we will dry up and wither away.]
4. Who is honored when we become fruitful disciples of Jesus?
[God the Father is honored when we become fruitful disciples of Jesus.]
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